Joe, Customer Service and Warehouse Operations

Q. What’s something that you fear when opening up to someone?
A. I'm fearful of the accountability that comes with someone knowing deeply personal information. If I struggle, it can be scary to have someone else knowing I could be better. If I talk about dreams or goals, I can feel like I am letting down others if I don't chase them. For me, it is much more comfortable to be insulated and isolated.

Q. What do you hope to hear back after being vulnerable with someone?
A. I'm not looking for advice unless I specifically ask for it. I'm not always looking for follow up. Mostly I just want that person to know that I trust them with pieces of me that are not common knowledge.

Q. What’s one thing you would say to someone struggling with being vulnerable?
A. Find someone you trust. Being vulnerable is exceedingly difficult, and you aren't the only one who thinks so. Guard yourself, even in vulnerability.

Nathaniel, Summer ‘15 Intern

Q. What’s something that you fear when opening up to someone?
A. When I open up to someone, I fear being judged and labeled. I fear that the person they know me as in their mind is altered, and all of the values and morals I stand up for are erased and replaced with a label. I fear that they stop seeing me as a person and start viewing me through a filter where they can only see my mistakes and my insecurities.

Monica, Summer ‘15 Intern

Q. What’s something that you fear when opening up to someone?
A. I fear judgment. I fear being a burden. I think, more than either of those, I fear abandonment. That the person I am opening up to will decide it's too much.

Q. What do you hope to hear back after being vulnerable with someone?
A. That I am loved. I am known. We're in it together.

Q. What’s one thing you would say to someone struggling with being vulnerable?
A. Be patient with yourself. It will be messy; it will hurt. But it is worth it. It's 100% worth it to be known by someone.

Lindsay, Operations Coordinator

Q. What’s something that you fear when opening up to someone?
A. That I will no longer be seen in the same light, that it will bring consequences that I can't foresee... maybe being loved less, being less respected, just being less.

Q. What’s one thing you would say to someone struggling with being vulnerable?
A. It's worth the risk. It's worth it to be known, to be you so those around you get the opportunity to see you, to love you.

Emily, Summer ’15 Intern

Q. What’s one thing you would say to someone struggling with being vulnerable?
A. Stay true to yourself. Do not ignore your fears, but do not let them rule you. You are so much more than your struggles. You are made to love and be loved. You are never alone, so if you are scared that someone will not accept you, know that there are others out there that will. Never change who you are to fit better with someone else's story. Your story is important, so stay true to that, to you.

Jessica, Director of Operations

Q. What’s something that you fear when opening up to someone?
A. Much of my life I've been viewed as the one who has it all together so it's tough opening up when you assume you'll be met with an answer like, "You'll figure it out. You always do." It's hard admitting when things are hard and no one really takes that seriously or believes you.

Q. What’s one thing you would say to someone struggling with being vulnerable?
A. Take the chance. Fear will always creep in but most of the time you'll be met with someone who is understanding and caring and the weight you've been carrying around will finally be lifted.


TWLOHA is a nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. 

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