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What Can You Do With 100 Hours?

What would you do if you were given a hundred hours to do anything? What would you create? What would you learn?

An hour can seem long and memorable or it can be short and fade into the background of our busy lives. That four day trip you took years ago took just under 100 hours and yet every hour remains a memory and remains a story still.  Compare this to those two weeks in November, working towards a deadline, time blurred unworthy of any story, yet also 100 hours long.

What’s the difference between 100 hours that blend together and the 100 hours that shape us? New experiences? Time limited story arcs? Unexpected learnings? We believe the difference lies in your intentions.

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act." - Pablo Picasso

We started tracking the time we spent doing things we loved in order to experiment with how intention transformed how we felt. It changed time. It slowed it down. It made it memorable. It showed us progress and it encouraged us when we felt like we hadn’t been doing enough.  The only thing we did differently was start tracking these moments.

Bringing awareness to the time we were spending changed our feelings. We wanted to share this insight with our friends, so a couple of months ago we printed these letterpress cards and sent a handful of them to friends in the mail around Thanksgiving. We made a small irreverent website and with our friends feedback decided that we should send our 100 Hours Cards to more people. People like you!

Try paying attention to your time. Use our cards or simply take a piece of paper draw a grid and begin recording. Intention affects time. It changes how doing what you love feels. As the card fills up and you realize you are doing more of what you love, you may even encourage a friend to turn off the computer, pick up a pen and check off one more hour.

Doing more of what you love is surprisingly addictive.


Molly Sonsteng and Dev Aujla are two friends who believe life is about the people you meet and the things that you create with them. They live and work in Brooklyn, New York. 

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