Mister Rogers famously said, “You were once a child, too.”

The long-time American TV personality was responding to a group of doctors asking how they could better comfort their concerned pediatric patients.

When I first read this, I thought it was such a perfect response — especially coming from Mister Rogers, an elderly red-sweatered soul who had the ability to feel like a peer and adventure companion to toddlers across the country.

Over the years, this sentiment has continued to bubble back to me.

It applies to all ages.

A toddler being reminded they were once a baby, a teenager being reminded they were once a toddler, a 30-year-old being reminded they were once a teenager, an elder being reminded that they were once 30 years old.

The beauty of this simple notion is that it carries with it the ability, if only briefly, to see the world from a completely different perspective. In this case, it is our own perspective from years ago — perhaps vastly different, but still our own.

For every understanding in the world, there is always another perspective, be it from someone else or from within ourselves.

Remember, “You were once a child, too.”

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

P.S. The Holstee Membership is intended to challenge you to see the world from new perspectives, by first helping you reflect on what your perspective is. Take a look →

P.P.S. Here is a fun and interesting interview with Fred Rogers.

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