Our paths have energy. They are powerful and activated by the heart.

We do not quite understand that power because we are so used to living life being told what to do, when to do it, and how to feel. We are used to living a life separated from our feelings, deep in quiet desperation because we don’t quite know how else to act. We conform to society. We think survival is nonexistent if we stray from the path everyone else is on.

There is a fascinating parallel between science and philosophy concerning happiness within oneself. Chinese philosopher and provocateur Zhuangzi created the concept of “ultimate happiness” and how it is gained when we have learned to “let go” and engage in activities for their own sake without any ulterior motives. In this state, human actions become spontaneous and fresh, somewhat childlike in their intensity. Some interpret this feeling as awkward primarily because it is an unknown feeling that shouts, “DANGER.” Zhuangzi uses the language of "letting be" where one learns not to interfere with the way of things. It’s an effortless stage (Hickey).

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle

So why can’t human beings “let go” or “let be” and find inner peace and effortless life stages? As I grow older and listen to people and notice their actions, I truly believe it is because we are lonely people who do not know ourselves to the fullest capacity. In general, we are all great actors. We put up this show that everything is perfectly fine because showing how we feel and being vulnerable supposedly portrays weakness.

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Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship with yourself is one of the most important relationships in your life. If you do not have a full understanding of who you are then how are others supposed to get to know you? Building a healthy and positive self-esteems is probably the most important factor that leads to happiness and living a fulfilling life. Having a healthy self-esteem requires self-acceptance, self-knowledge, self-respect, empathy, compassion, and personal understanding. Sometimes we do not know how to embody these things which is okay. The first step is trying. Try opening up to a family member, friend, or maybe a mental health professional. Either way, it’s worth it to get on the path of happiness.

Today is never too late to “let go” and activate our path in an individualistic way.  If we do so life has a way of leading us to more joy, prosperity and satisfaction. Life in its entirety is a living thing and a true expression of a higher energy which creates our paths of power.

Instead of forcing things to happen, let’s try to get into the flow of resting, listening and waiting. Find yourself, follow the right path and let your life flow.

Hickey, Ph.D. "'Flow' Experiences: The Secret to Ultimate Happiness?" The Huffington Post. Web. 1 Feb. 2015.

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Anna Schott is a senior public relations student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Continuously trying to find balance in this hectic world while capturing the small joys in life, Anna is in the process of following her passions and working to check off that bucket list box “Be super successful.” As a go-getter, enthusiastic millennial, she plans on broadening her horizons after graduation while keeping her Midwestern values close to heart. Anna continues to find time to write and enjoy her love of the outdoors. 

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