“In many types of relationships as I was growing up, I always had a hunch that I was too something for people: too loud, too sensitive, too quiet, too serious, too silly. It took years to realize that true kinship doesn’t make you feel like you need to make yourself less, nor does it make you feel like you’re not significant.” — Mari AndrewTweet It!
Mari Andrews is a writer and illustrator based in NYC. She is also the artist behind this month’s Kinship Art. Through thoughtful whimsy, Mari’s work communicates wonderful nuggets of personal reflection and wisdom that are both thought-provoking and relatable. The art she submitted for our theme of Kinship is no different:
When I looked at this illustration for the first time, it prompted me to reflect on the relationships in my life. I thought about the ones that are based on a deep sense of admiration, respect and desire to support one another.
And, perhaps more importantly, I critically considered the role I play in my relationships with others. I am sure I have unintentionally played the role of a cloud when I could have been a supporting sun.
How do your relationships compare to the ones in this month’s illustration? Who casts a shadow on your light? In what ways can you bring more warmth to the people around you?
Be the light and feel the warmth,
Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee
P.S. We sold out of the Kinship Art and Guides waaaaay faster than we expected. Every month we send the art along with the printed guide to all of our members, and offer the remaining on our site. This month we sold out in less than a week. If you aren't yet, become a member today to make sure you get next months Wellness Guide and Art delivered!
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