I was fortunate enough to travel to Bali recently.

During my time there, I came to love so much about the local culture and traditions.

In particular, I was amazed at the dedication that each person gave to their family temple. In Bali, most Hindu families have their own temple or place of worship, often constructed within the family complex or nearby.

A lot of people’s extra time and money goes into their temples — building them, cleaning them, decorating them, praying to them.

I witnessed everyone, from young men in their teens to older women in their eighties, all taking part in this age-old tradition.

It was a constant labor of love and dedication.

I found myself wondering what my “temple” was.

Then a few days later, walking the streets, the answer came to me in the form of a cliché inspirational quote hanging in a window (a typical source of deep spiritual awakenings 😉 ).

“Your body is a temple.”

It’s the kind of reassuring but vague statement you’d hear at a yoga class.

But after seeing how the Balinese care for their temples, every single corner of them, the phrase took on a whole new meaning for me.

If I treated my body as a temple in the same way that these people care for their temples...

  • I would be infinitely proud of my body.
  • I would be aware of each item I put inside it.
  • I would take time daily to make sure my body was strong enough to weather any storm that came its way.

Diets can be hard, and exercise can feel like a chore.

But somehow imagining my body as a temple changed my relationship with it.

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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