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Nourish Your Life

What area of your life is craving more nourishment?

We often speed up the pace of life to try and get more done, instead of allowing ourselves enough time to rest, reflect, and exhale. We become consumed with checking things off our “to do” list, rather than staying focused on creating days and weeks that are sustaining and fulfilling.

How would you feel if I gave you one day – or even one hour – without any expectations? Some time and space when you weren’t responsible for anyone else or getting anything done. How would you spend it?

Sleeping in…
Going for a long walk or run…
Creating a beautiful meal (just because you can)…
Reading the second half of that book that’s been sitting on your nightstand forever…

These are the elements that feed our lives. They nourish us. They remind us what a rich and fulfilling life looks and feels like.

Yet we often neglect them in favor of getting more done instead of knowing when we reach our “enough point.”

When did efficiency replace sufficiency?

When we prioritize doing over being, we sell out on fulfillment for the sake of achievement. Tweet this!

Something has to change if we want to lead with intention and nourish our lives.

Three Easy Steps to Nourish Your Life

  1. Feed Your Mind: Think of one thing you’ve been wanting to learn and find a book, article, blog, or TED talk on the subject. Then intentionally carve out an hour (or more) of time to spend simply learning and immersing yourself in this topic. Use this time to feed your mind and get creative with what you learn!
  2. Fuel Your Body: Consider what your body needs most – rest, movement, play, challenge – and engage in this activity for an afternoon. Notice how you are feeling refueled and recharged by taking time to do more of this, then determine a way to make it a regular practice.
  3. Fortify Your Spirit: What gives you a boost and replenishes your energy? Make time for the people, places, and activities that enhance your life and choose to focus on these things more this month. Take it to the next level by creating a daily ritual around one of these areas and set an intention for who you want to be.
We become consumed with checking things off our “to-do” list, rather than staying focused on creating days and weeks that are sustaining and fulfilling.

Your Wish List

Another fun way to intentionally focus on nourishment is to create a “nourishment wish list” that highlights all the things in your life that will help you feel nurtured, supported, and sustained. Here’s mine to help you get started:

  • Find my new favorite tea
  • Carve out an afternoon to write – just for fun!
  • Go to a Yin Yoga class
  • Sit by the fireplace (after the baby is asleep!) and get lost in a good book
  • Make quality time to spend with my family
  • Take regular naps

Once you’ve made your wish list, get creative and decorate it, turn it into a graphic work or art, or simply hang it somewhere that you will see every day as a reminder to practice nourishment this month. You might even inspire others who see it to do the same and make time to nourish their lives!

Find More Leading Insights here.


Leslie Bosserman believes that success is based on fulfillment, not retirement. As a champion for authentic living, she partners with dynamic leaders, social entrepreneurs, and creative change-makers who want to develop their natural strengths so they can live and lead wholeheartedly. She is the founder of Lead With Intention® where she supports Millennial leaders and their managers by creating customized leadership solutions. She also serves as a volunteer coach with The Coaching Fellowship and as the TEDxSacramento Event Coordinator. Leslie loves exploring the world with her family and has a life goal of visiting at least as many countries as she is years old (she’s currently tied!). She loves writing, practicing yoga, and reading with her children.

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