A few years ago, we started creating a list of Holstee team values. Over the years, we have continued to update, edit, and add to this list as our people and our beliefs have changed.
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Below is our latest version (still a work in progress!). Feel free to use them, steal them, or share them as you wish.
Intention Over Impulse
We see through the clutter and distractions of frequent notifications. We strive to be present as we follow through on plans toward our end goal.
Take Time and Give Space
Once we decide what we want to accomplish, we give ourselves ample time to see it through. All the same, we give space to our teammates that allows them to see their projects through as well.
Just Keep Making
Feeling stuck? Writer's block? Stumped with a design? Forget your own judgement and the judgement of others and just keep making. Clarity will come through as your authentic voice shines.
Nothing Need Be Done
We don’t need to do anything. We are here by choice. We all create here by choice. We participate in this universe and can give and take from it as we wish. Knowing that we are in control of our lives and our output is liberating.
Be Honest
We must trust and care enough for each other to be honest with our work, our feelings, and our goals. We ask for feedback and kindly share our opinions. We are supportive. We trust and care for others. And we are there when someone needs us.
Give It Your All
Whatever we are doing, we do it with the craftsman’s spirit: with care, thought, and precision. We work not just with our hands or our head, but also with our heart.
Consider The Impact
In every decision, we consider the impact of our action as well as the impact of our inaction.
Resources Over Requirements
Tools, processes, meetings. Everything Holstee provides are just resources to enable us. None of them are requirements. We take what we need, and give what we can.
Challenge is an Opportunity
When something turns out differently than expected, this is an opportunity to explore and learn something new.
Write Your Own Story
Where we go in our wondrous lives is up to us. Be the author of the story of your life.
Mike and Dave Radparvar
Co-Founders, Holstee
P.S. Have a team of your own? Looking to build more purpose into your company? Reply and let us know — in the last year, we have begun taking on select client work with mission-aligned companies looking to create and amplify values within their organizations.
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