In April, we partner with Ana Seixas, an illustrator from Viseu, a small city in the center of Portugal.  Ana loves bright colors and bold shapes.  Nature, traveling, love and relationships are themes most represented in her personal work.  When asked about her art for this month's theme of Compassion, Ana says, “In moments of uncertainty, doubt, fear or pain, I give myself a hug and I hold myself through that moment....I just need to understand that the feeling or reaction is valid, and love is all it needs.  For me, that is compassion."

For a little more about Ana, here's a short Q&A:

Where is home for you?

Where my cats are, and at the moment, our home is in Porto, Portugal.

What is your definition of a successful life?

This is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time, and I’ve come to the
conclusion that living a successful life for me is living in peace with myself, dealing with my inner conflicts in a healthy manner and cultivating serenity all the way.


Describe your perfect day.

Sunshine, nature and a dip in the ocean.

How did you get into design?

Drawing, for me, is just a normal thing to do, always has been. I believe it was
something I never doubted I wanted to pursue.  I studied Design in Aveiro University, and then, when living in Barcelona I specialized in Illustration.  I just kept on drawing, and that is wonderful.

Where do you find inspiration?

I love to have a coffee on a terrace with my notebook on the table and take notes about things I would like to draw.  I’m inspired by what surrounds me.  Also, staring at the waves and the trees, surrounding myself with nature, interesting people and deep thoughts.

What's your dream design project?

I’ve already worked on so many cool projects!  But yes, there are still things that I dream about doing, like designing a clothing collection for kids.

Which designers or thinkers influence/inspire you?

Lisa Congdon and Louise Lockart, I love the way they bring illustration to products and how they spread joy and love through their work. Also, I feel very inspired by Corita Kent’s meaningful life story.

What was the inspiration behind this design?

This illustration was on my mind for a while, I wanted to share the idea of giving a hug, being there for myself during the hardest times.


At the moment, what is your favorite…

Color: Yellow
Food: Grilled vegetables and roasted sweet potatoes
Song: "Your hand in mine" by Explosions in the sky
Quote: "Flowers grow out of dark moments." Corita Kent

Thanks for sharing with us, Ana!

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