“Be brave, be curious, be determined, overcome the odds. It can be done.” - Stephen Hawking

In this month’s Digital Adventure Guide and in our Online Member Gathering, we discussed the equation of Adventure:

Adventure = Curiosity + Bravery

Curiosity: “I seek out situations where I gain new experiences without getting in my own or other people’s way.”

Bravery: "I act on my convictions, and I face threats, challenges, difficulties, and pains, despite my doubts and fears."

(Definitions from the VIA Institute on Character)

It might seem that adventure has been put on hold lately. But when we look at an adventure as a time when we “seek out new situations and experiences” and “face challenges despite our doubts and fears”, it becomes clear that these last few months have indeed been adventurous — for many of us, in completely new and different ways.

Sometimes we get to choose the adventure, and sometimes the adventure chooses us. How are you experiencing adventure and employing curiosity or bravery this month?

Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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This article is part of our series on the theme of Adventure.

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