One year ago we decided to become a ‘decentralized company,' letting go of our Work/Shop in Brooklyn to fully embrace a remote working culture. We did this for two reasons:
- It has always been a dream to have the flexibility to work from anywhere.
- Dave and I knew we wouldn’t be in NYC forever, and we did not want that to impact Holstee or anyone on our team.
The incredible people that power Holstee every day are now spread out across Seattle, Boulder, the Dominican Republic, Berlin and New York.
And tomorrow, after 10 years of living in NYC, I will be moving to California. This moment has been inevitable, yet it is somehow still hard to believe. Dave and I have been living and working side by side for almost a decade. However, there has never been a more suitable time in Holstee history for me to make this move. Our incredible team is fully aligned behind a single focus: the Holstee Subscription. The result of this collaborative effort has started to show.
The subscription, which we relaunched last year, just passed 1,000 subscribers and has been well received both qualitatively and quantitatively. If you are into business analytics, we have gone from a 7.3 to an 8.9 NPS, and our ‘churn’ (or unsubscribe) rate has gone from 7% to less than 4%. These numbers basically say that our team’s hard work and focus has materialized into an awesome experience for our customers. That couldn’t make me happier or feel more confident during this transition.
I feel so fortunate to have had the chance to live in New York City. It has given me more life-changing experiences than I could have ever imagined. Down below is an *incomplete* list of NYC moments, for which I have this great city to thank.
Most of all, I have gratitude towards everyone reading this email. In some way, you made an impact for me and Holstee over the past several years. 🙏
If you have not yet tried the Holstee Subscription, but are curious, shoot me an email. I would be happy to answer any questions and help you get set up. In fact, if you took the time to the read this far, I owe you one. For the first 10 people who reply to this email, your first three months are on me :-)
If you are already on the journey with us, thank you. I would love to hear what you love about it AND what you’d like to see from us in the future.
Talk soon,
Michael Radparvar (with the most incredible brotherly support of Dave)
Dear New York, Thank you for making it possible to:
- Learn what it really means to work. When I first arrived in NYC, I painted dance studios in the evenings to cover rent while going to job interviews during the day.
- Grow under the most remarkable managers and leaders I have met to date, at my first ‘salaried job’ (Hi Patti + Amber!)
- Start Holstee on the steps of Union Square, where Dave, Fabian and I drafted a Manifesto to succinctly share our intention behind this company (I remember thinking at the time that the word ‘manifesto’ would be misinterpreted and was way too bold).
- Interact with the 300+ guests we hosted in our apartment when we lived in the East Village and used Airbnb to help us bootstrap and get Holstee off the ground.
- Meet people whose work I would have only been able to admire from behind my computer had I not been in NYC. Maria Popova, the most intellectually curious person I know. Tina Roth-Eisenberg, who introduced us to letterpress printing. Seth Godin, a wise, generous and humble man who reminded us in a watershed moment at Holstee why we do what we do. Tim Urban, who has the ability to break down the most complex concepts into fun stories.
- Meet and marry the woman of my dreams. (Today is actually the anniversary of the day I proposed!! Love you Set!!)
- Change the way I think about food, transportation (cycling), live music, the arts, and people.
- Enjoy countless picnics and potluck dinners with friends who helped shape who I am today.
... And lastly, thank you New York for welcoming me back when I inevitably return for a short (or extended) visit.
Sigh… California, here I come! 🌴 😎
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