You know when you are looking for just the right word and you can’t find it?

 You come across a lot of similar words, ones that almost capture the meaning of what you’re trying to express but are missing a crucial something.

I had that feeling for years.

The word I was looking for was arete.

The Greeks, in all their wisdom, came up with a single word that carries with it one of the greatest pursuits of humankind. Arete means “to exist to your full potential”.

When my brother Mike first introduced me to this word, I was struck. Here was one word that captures everything we focus on at Holstee.

Arete isn’t about the American dream. It's not about fancy cars. It isn’t about impressive job titles or the number of Facebook friends you have.

It’s about existing and existing beautifully — to your own definition of success, to your own potential.

Arete. The perfect addition to your collection of “words to live by”.

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee



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Welcome to Holstee

Living with intention is an ongoing practice, not a destination. Inspired by this, we’ve created a range of products to help you on your journey to live both fully and mindfully, including the Holstee Membership, Reflection Cards, and our recently-launched



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