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5 Tips On Creativity

"Don't think. Thinking is enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things." - Ray Bradbury

  1. Go somewhere new. Traveling or moving to a new place can be expensive and overwhelming. Taking a different route on your normal morning commute can boost your creativity. It improves your awareness and allows your brain to make new connections as opposed to coasting on autopilot.
  2. Pick up/learn other skills. Like taking a different route, picking up a new hobby or learning a new skill also helps your brain work in a different way. It provides a fresh constraint on your mind and forces you to focus in unique ways.
  3. Work at it (practice makes better)We’ve all heard that practice makes perfect, but it’s the type of practice involved that makes a difference. Deliberate practice is about pushing yourself beyond the good plateau. It's what further pushes you up the expert ladder.
  4. Think wrongIt’s beneficial to ignore the instant connections the brain makes and hash out many ideas before executing. It’s about challenging the status quo and embarking on a unique journey with an unknown destination.
  5. Share & be confidentYou should spread your ideas and creativity like wildfire. Be confident that you're putting in the work to earn the feedback. There’s a great quote, “Done is better than perfect.” that nails down this idea. You have to follow through with your ideas to learn and grow from them. Letting the ideas live in the world opens them up to feedback and what we're all striving for, progress.


Sources (and additional reading):


Andrew Martis is a graphic designer and lover of letterforms. He's been to known to eat an entire pizza in one sitting and is constantly riding his bike in search of his next cup of coffee. He's the type of guy you'd want to like hang out with and bring home to mom because he's that rad.

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