When I received this month’s Adventure Art by Matilda van der Walt, it immediately triggered a memory from a few years go.

My (now) wife, Setareh, and I were on our first trip together in the Puerto Rican rainforest. On our way back from a beautiful hike, the skies suddenly opened up and down came the rain. The drops were so large, we could feel each one hitting our arms, shoulders and heads.

The first minute or two was refreshing and fun.

But soon, our clothes and bags were soaked and the cold started to hit us. We huddled together and tried to take shelter under some large leaves.

Eventually the rain started to let up, so we decided to make a break for it in case it started up again.

Halfway back, we noticed that the ankle-deep brook we had crossed while entering the rainforest was now a rapidly moving river. We would need to ford the river, Oregon Trail style.

In the moment, getting caught in the rain and needing to swim across a rapid river felt really unlucky. But if you were to ask either of us now, we wouldn’t change anything about that day.

It’s become the part of the trip we remember and laugh about the most.

Though we rarely wish for unexpected setbacks, they do have a special way of spicing up an adventure.

Because if everything goes smoothly, it’s not really an adventure, right?

Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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This article is part of our series on the theme of Adventure.

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