Holstee Membership

Starting at $28.80 a quarter

A collective journey to better know ourselves.

Join a community of curious minds and kindred spirits exploring what it means to live a meaningful life.

A closer look inside the Holstee

Monthly Courses
Self-guided courses woven together by a selection of practices designed to help you better understand yourself and the world around you.
Member Gatherings
Intimate member gatherings with guided meditation and discussions designed to enable you to grow alongside members and share wisdom.
Full Community Access
Access to member only events, discussion spaces, and the ability to co-create the future of the community.
Book Club
Thought-provoking monthly book discussions exploring fiction and nonfiction works that align with personal growth, wellness, and mindfulness.
Member Discount
20% off all shop purchases made at Holstee — a perk that is particularly handy around birthdays and holidays!
Reflection.app Premium
Premium access to Reflection.app — a journaling tool to help guide your personal growth and reflection each month.

"Holstee reminds me to reflect beyond my daily routines and makes it easy to take a very needed vacation to a higher thought wave."Leslie in Ohio, United States

Leslie Ohio

Meet and connect with kindred spirits from around the world.

While diverse in geography, age, and experience, this community is united by kindness, curiosity and wisdom.

In addition to connecting with and learning from members, our community platform is the home of many member-only tools, like guided journeys, intimate member gatherings, and full access to our speaker series.

"This eclectic yet connected group of like-hearted folks have become surprisingly important to me in just a few conversations. In a world of so much shouting, theirs is a gentle reminder of listening’s gift and empathy’s embrace—a virtual warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from grandma’s oven."Jeffrey in Connecticut, United States

Jeffrey Farr

Holstee meets you where you are.

Whether you are looking for a structured self-guided approach, a community to learn and grow with, or both — the Holstee Membership is designed to meet you where you are.

"Holstee doesn’t tell people what to believe or do, but awakens them to their own genius by inviting them to think about things in a new way that inspires them to create their own reality."Pamela in Michigan, United States

Pamela Michigan

Choose a plan that's right for you.

(Save 20%)

Holstee Membership

$28.80 $36 /  Quarterly

The Holstee Membership includes...
  • Instant Access to All Digital Resources
  • Full Access to Community
  • Online Member Gatherings
  • Printable Courses and practices
  • Digital Inspirational Art
  • 20% Off All Holstee Purchases
  • Reflection.app Premium

No commitment

Pause or cancel your subscription any time!


Get 20% off all one-time purchases on Holstee.com


Guaranteed to love it or your money back!


Enjoy free access to Reflection.app Premium with your membership!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you found your way through the maze of 4.7 billion pages on the internet, and you read your way through our site to this very question, our membership is most definitely 100% for you. You are someone who questions how things are and dreams about how they could be. You truly believe that the world can change for the better, and that change starts with each individual person. But you are not just a dreamer, you are a doer (one of the things we love about you!). You know that reflecting is an important part of growth, but you are also busy because… errr… life, and things are non-stop. You know that taking the time to set your intentions will lead to more clarity and fulfillment, but it feels impossible to prioritize “me-time” amidst the chaos of everyday life. In these ways you are just like us, and we made this membership for you!

You want to get more from life but don’t know where to begin. Well, this link right here is where you begin :-D

It is our mission to help as many people as possible to live more meaningful lives. We have priced our offering with the hopes of making it as accessible as possible while still being able to offer an experience that lives up to our own quality standards.

With that said, we also understand that sometimes finances can be tight. Often it's in challenging times that the need for fresh perspective, inspiration, and a supportive community can be at their greatest and we wouldn't want money to be the reason someone is not able to benefit from the resources available to Holstee members.

If you would like to become a Holstee Member but can not afford it please reach out and let us know what your current situation is, and we will do our best to assist.

The busier your life feels, the more important it is to take a step back and make sure you are on the right path. It’s easy to get caught up in the rat race and lose track of how you’re spending your time. Is it on activities that help you live up to your own measure of success? Or activities that support someone else’s?

We make answering these big questions easier. We spend the time to curate and distill, so you don’t have to. We spend hours reading through the ideas of ancient philosophers and the learnings of modern positive psychology. We then boil down key nuggets that you can apply to your everyday life, and we neatly organize our sources of inspiration so you can dive into the primary resources as they interest you.

Yes! All members get 20% off all designs in the Holstee Shop. All you need to do is log in and the prices will drop like they’re hot.

Simple! For gift memberships, select the plan duration (from 3 to 12 months) and when you want your gift to be delivered. On that day, we will send an email to the gift recipient with a special note from you. From that moment, the membership will begin! For every month after, the recipient will have access to all of Holstee’s Membership content — and at the same time be reminded how thoughtful, wise, and awesome you are for getting them such a rad gift! You go on to win a “Best Friend of the Year” award, and we bask in awe during your acceptance speech.

By reading, thinking, and talking... a lot :-D

Ok, you want the long version? Here it goes… It all started with our Manifesto. We wrote it for ourselves in a moment of clarity when we first started Holstee. As it turned out, the message clicked for many people around the world. For the next several years, the Manifesto took off in ways we couldn’t have imagined. It started popping up everywhere... on Facebook posts, in Kuala Lumpur cafes, tattooed on someone’s back in Sweden, on Paris Hilton’s Instagram feed, painted on a three-story building in Los Angeles... when we say everywhere, we mean it! Then the questions started coming in: “how do I live this?”, “should I quit my job?”, “how do I find my passion?”, “should I marry this person?” Believe it or not, we really got these questions! We felt totally unprepared to offer any answers, but we were fascinated by these big life questions. So we started asking ourselves what it really means to live by the words of the Manifesto, and we took a step back to dig into what others had said on the topic of living well. What have past philosophers learned? What does modern science have to say?

We went deep. And we found that our ideas about living well echoed much of the discourse from philosophers like Aristotle, Seneca, and Nietzsche. We also learned about the growing field of research around Positive Psychology and the science of mindfulness. We were particularly inspired by Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson’s Values In Action (VIA) Inventory of Strengths, which identified 24 virtues informed by religions, cultures, philosophy, and psychology.

We cross-checked this list with our own and ended with 12 core themes. And that, my friend, is the long story on how we chose them.

These 12 themes, help to lay the foundation for the Holstee Membership. Still we do not limit our selves to these themes, and often seek new topics or themes that support our practice of better knowning ourselves.

Easy! We can do that too. Just drop us a note and we can pause or cancel your membership at any time. If you purchase an annual membership your cancellation will take effect at the next renewal. Our memberships are commitment- and risk-free! There is literally no reason not to give it a try.

Why yes we do! We work with a number of mission-aligned companies to deliver our membership to their employees, clients, and partners each month. Depending on the size of your organization and your needs, we can also customize our offer to suit your style. In the past, we’ve partnered with NPR, Sweetgreen, Wanderlust, TED, and other organizations. Learn more about working together!